
Did you know that Watson Nutrition, Inc. has a repacking service?

We have over 300 items in stock and virtually all of them can be repacked. This helps you to:

  • Reduce your cost of inventory
  • Reduce space needed to store left-over’s
  • Minimize your inventory that could go out -of-date

We will repack as little as one Kilogram.

Costs for repacking

Most of our products are in 25 Kg standard packages. If there is partial package and you purchase the whole amount there is no repack charge. Otherwise – 30.00 per item – regardless of weight.

Additional charges by weight

  • 1 Kilo add $20.00 to the standard pack price
  • 2-5 Kilos add $10.00
  • 6-24* Kilos add $5.00
  • 25 Kilos Regular price off the Price List

* If, for example, standard pack size for a specific item is 10 Kilograms, the regular price would apply after nine Kilos.

Lot-for-Lot Repacks
If you prefer an exact weight repack of an item, for example 11.362 Kg of Quercitin with an included, labeled 10-gram** QA retain bag, this service is $40.00 per repack.

With this there is no waste of material left over, and potential contamination from cutting into raw material containers and time wasted sampling.

**other size retains available to your specifications.